ResiClub PRO | National home prices still up 44.1% since March 2020 despite strained housing affordability.
ResiClub PRO | The sharp deterioration in housing affordability has coincided with a softening in new construction prices.
Zillow: "While roughly 7.9 million [non-homeowner] families are income mortgage-ready across the country, there is substantial variation across metropolitan areas"
Percentage of active listings that are newly built homes, according to Parcl Labs.
ResiClub PRO | When assessing home price momentum, ResiClub believes it's important to monitor active listings and months of supply.
ResiClub PRO | To better understand what’s actually happening to home insurance premiums, ResiClub reached out to S&P Global.
ResiClub PRO | Over the past year, months of supply has increased from 3.0 in May 2023 to 3.6 in May 2024.
The most notable thing is that 13 of the 15 housing markets Parcl Labs labeled as "at risk" are in Florida.
Here are the full results of the ResiClub-Groundfloor Housing Investor Survey.
80% of landlords in the ResiClub-Groundfloor Housing Investor Survey said they're concerned about future home insurance increases.
BatchService, a property intelligence and technology company, calculated the share of home sales made up by top agents.
ResiClub PRO | To better understand how Zillow’s calculation varies by market, ResiClub reached out to get their raw data.